Unlike shower poufs, which can be used daily, "Kessas" are designed for weekly use. It stimulates the blood circulation and exfoliates dead skin cells. You may use it for either a weekly hammam or for a weekly body scrub. You should start by taking a warm shower, then wrap yourself in a traditional Moroccan soap or any other traditional soap (for example, Aleppo or Nabulsi). Let it penetrate for a few minutes. After that, rinse it off with warm water. Prepare your kessa glove by washing it first in warm water. As soon as you rinse your body, use the Moroccan gloves to scrub off impurities with sufficient pressure, avoiding open wounds and sensitive areas. The dead skin cells may fall off for some, but it depends on your skin type. This will revitalize your natural beauty. Wash off your body and apply natural moisturizer afterward. Rinse off the gloves afterward and squeeze out excess water from the glove and let it hang air dry.